..for a better future

Tree Top Investments was founded in 30 May 2013 by a group of successful shareholders in the Maldives, each with years of experience and success stories from diverse business sectors. Tree Top Investments was set up with the vision to combine the extensive expertise of the partner shareholders into one pioneering company; to traverse the boundaries between, consolidate sectors, and generate an admirable portfolio of investments and a robust business model.

Tree Top Investments aims to invest in the following diverse sectors: Hotels and Resorts, Financial Services, Food and Beverage, Construction, Real Estate, Retail and Wholesale, Transportation, Energy, Engineering and many others. Tree Top Investments, from a very early stage in their existence, was off to a flying start having secured ownership of Maldives Finance Leasing Company (MFLC) on 9 April 2014; this illustrates how efficient the company’s investment model is, and how dedicated our shareholders are to develop and expand the business.

Tree Top Investments is ready to uncover and secure investments in businesses showing high growth potential in the Maldives and open to expand into international markets. The company is a promising Investment partner to venture into business with and is constantly seeking out new partners with which to make investments.

Registered Address:

Filigasdhoshuge – 3rd Floor
Ameer Ahmed Magu,
Male’, 20066,

Correspondence Address:

Fasmeeru Building – 6th Floor,
Boduthakurufaanu Magu,
Male’, 20077,

T: +960 3310681

E: [email protected]